Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Holidays Call For Extreme Self-Care!

Top Picks For A Healthy Holiday Season:
It's All About Extreme Self-Care!

The hectic holidays don't have to be a disaster to your health & fitness routine. In fact, the average American only gains a few pounds between Thanksgiving & New Years. So relax, with a little planning, you can start 2012 healthier than ever. Here are a few easy to follow strategies to look & feel your best this holiday season:

1.    Enjoy your favorite traditional meals & treats...in moderation. Those pesky calories better be worth every bite, so be sure you absolutely love everything you choose to put on your mouth. Don't worry about hurting other people's feelings; instead, kindly stand up for yourself & don't feel obligated to eat everything at the party.  You may also consider bringing your own special treats, so you can indulge without having to worry if all that sugar or butter will end up on your hips. By keeping your eye on your health goals, extreme self-care can be contagious to others as well. What better gift to offer loved ones than the gift wellness rubbing off on those you love?
2.    Don't skip meals! Be sure to eat breakfast and have those moderate snacks to stave off hunger pangs hitting later when the table is overflowing with dangerous temptations. If you start your day with a healthy mix of lean protein & complex carbohydrates, you will be more inclined to make the right choices as the day wears on. Keep your energy flowing and your blood sugar nice & level with light bites between meals as well. Try some fruit & low-fat string cheese or an apple with a tablespoon of nut butter to keep your engine running cleanly.
3.    Keep up with your workouts & keep your metabolism blazing. Exercise will lighten your step, make you feel more vital, sleep better & give you more energy. Be certain  not to lose all that hard-earned progress by scheduling your regular workouts on your calendar. That is right, write it ink! Sneak workouts into your day as well, even if it means parking further away from your destination, opting for the stairs, or walking around the mall a few extra times to get your 10,000 steps. Take exercise bands on the road & try some squats, crunches & biceps curls/triceps kick-backs in your hotel. Make this the year that you don't let your fitness routine slip over the holiday season. You will be so glad you did.
4.    Try wearing your favorite fitted clothes to remind you of how hard you've worked. For instance, by not wearing loose pants, there is not as much wiggle room to over-indulge without even realizing it. It will feel better to avoid feeling stuffed & you will not be as scared to step on that scale in the New Year.
5.    Remember that there is more to life than food! Be sure to enjoy time with those you love. When surrounded by family & friends that you love and that love you dearly as well, you will feel happiness & support. Likewise, minimize time, or have a plan, when paired with those that don't support you being your best. Health & extreme self-care will give you more happiness than egg nog or any cheese log ever can.

Happy & Healthy Holidays To Everyone...Be Well!